Our training films
The ALGOPLUS scale
A training film about the ALGOPLUS scale, aimed at all caregivers, showing how to use the tool, with examples.
Length: 21 minutes
If it was pain?
A training film about the DOLOPLUS scale, with a detailed presentation of each item and the assessment method.
Length: 22 minutes
Our documents

A pain kit featuring the VRS scale and containing the DOLOPLUS and ALGOPLUS scales; you will also find recommendations and advice on use and a glossary.
The DOLOPLUS-ALGOPLUS-VRS pain kit is a free document. You will simply be asked to contribute to postage costs.

A PVC document, size 10×15 cm, with the ALGOPLUS scale on the front and a diagrammatic representation of DOLOPLUS and the pain assessment decision tree on the back. The essential aide-mémoire which fits easily into your pocket.
The ALGOPLUS pocket scale is a free document. You will simply be asked to contribute to postage costs.
The first film about the DOLOPLUS scale, made in 1999. It examines the current state of pain assessment and introduces the notion of hetero-assessment of pain in elderly people with communication difficulties. The film announces the validation of the DOLOPLUS scale and presents how it works.
A download link will be sent to you free of charge. Simply send your request to doloplus@gmail.com